
What Big Tech’s balance sheets this week said – and didn’t say – about real-world AI adoption

Kettle This ongoing generative AI assistant hype-cycle already feels like it’s been going on for a decade, with Big Tech pouring billions into systems that simultaneously are supposed to take away our jobs and enhance our working day.

So with the likes of Google, Microsoft, AMD, Amazon, and Qualcomm publishing their latest financial results this week, what better time to see what real-world effects artificial intelligence has had or will have on us users and big business, and any other observations crossing our minds.

Joining regular host Iain Thomson today we have, from top right down, fellow Register journalists Chris Williams, Simon Sharwood, and Tobias Mann, discussing the red and black on the balance sheets.

You can replay our chat in the player above – or listen via your favorite podcast distributor: RSS and MP3, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and Google.

This 18-ish-minute episode was produced by Nicole Hemsoth Prickett. You can tune into our previous Kettle episodes right here, and hear direct from the vultures behind El Reg and its sister sites. ®


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