
Veeam researching support for VMware alternative Proxmox as backup buyers fret about Broadcom

Exclusive Backup software vendor Veeam is doing early research on VMware alternative Proxmox, potentially with a view to creating a product to protect data created using the tool.

“We’re researching and doing some prototyping around Proxmox to see what’s possible there as far as backup goes,” Anton Gostev, Veeam’s senior veep for product management posted on January 11.

Another Veeam product manager, Fabian Kessler, last week confirmed that effort, writing “Proxmox is something we are doing some early research on.”

Kessler’s post came in a thread on Veeam’s forums titled “Broadcom/VMware debacle” in which Veeam users vented about Broadcom’s actions such as effectively hiking prices for VMware’s products and disqualifying some VMware partners.

“Any VMware Partner here thinking to switch to another hypervisor after Broadcom debacle? And maybe explore also third-party backup solutions moving from Veeam?” poses the opening post in the thread.

The thread features discussion of VMware alternatives. As the discussion progressed, Gostev offered the following advice, and news:

Smart tech buyers know that products are only viable when they’re surrounded by an ecosystem of complementary tools – and given that backup is an essential complement to any infrastructure or app, knowing Oracle Linux KVM and Proxmox are in Veeam’s sights makes it easier to consider both as VMware alternatives.

Broadcom knows this, too. And it knows that if a major vendor like Veeam promotes its wares as making a VMware off-ramp a little easier, more may choose to seek an alternative server virtualization tool.

Whether Broadcom cares about that happening is the $61 billion question – the acquisitive org has pledged to increase profits produced by VMware rapidly. Losing customers would make that harder, no matter that Broadcom prefers to focus on large buyers. ®


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