
How much each employee earned

BROCKTON — In a change from last year, no city employee made more than $400,000 in 2023.

That’s one takeaway from a review of Brockton’s public payroll for the most recent calendar year.

While there’s a perception that public salaries only go up, that wasn’t the case for the earners at the top end of the scale. When you compare the typical top-10 earner from last year to this year’s crop, median compensation among the top 10 fell $36,861.

As is the case most years, Brockton’s 10 highest-paid employees come entirely from public safety: cops and firefighters. This year the split was eight police officers and two firefighters.

Leading the way this year were two police captains: John P. and William J. Hallisey. Both made extra by working weekends, holidays and receiving hazard pay. Both earned significant pay working details, such as at construction sites directing traffic. Here’s this year’s top 10 earners in gross pay (meaning all pay before taxes.)

Top 10

  1. Police Capt. John P. Hallisey $376,384
  2. Police Capt. William J. Hallisey $368,872
  3. Police Capt. Mark Porcaro $338,551
  4. Deputy Fire Chief Edward R. Williams $328,679
  5. Police Lt. Bruce D Zeidman $319,898
  6. Police Lt. William F. Barry $298,256
  7. Deputy Fire Chief Kevin Galligan $288,749
  8. Police Capt. Steven J. Williamson $283,078
  9. Police Capt. Christopher J. Lafrance $282,334
  10. Deputy Fire Chief Scott Albanese $279,079

Source: Enterprise analysis of City of Brockton payroll for calendar year 2023

Details, details

Drilling down for which employees made the most working details, the 2023 top 10 carries over eight from 2022’s payroll. New names making the list of highest earners on details were Police Officers Kessy Alves and Brian P. Kirby.

Top 10 earners on details

  1. Police Officer Adilson Andrade $116,401
  2. Police Capt. William J. Hallisey $89,675
  3. Police Officer Diana V. Deandrade $76,820
  4. Police Officer Manuel A. Depina $75,221
  5. Police Officer Kessy Alves $74,786
  6. Police Officer Brian P. Kirby $73,537
  7. Police Officer Thomas Keating $70,930
  8. Police Capt. John P. Hallisey $70,194
  9. Police Capt. Mark Porcaro $66,146
  10. Special Police Officer Robert J. Smith $65,152

Source: Enterprise analysis of City of Brockton payroll for calendar year 2023

Working overtime

Because of Massachusetts law and police union contracts, among other reasons, cops still get the bulk of traffic detail in Brockton and around the state. But any public employee willing to put in the time can increase their earnings by working overtime.

This year’s top 10 overtime earners list includes a wide variety of jobs. There are the police officers, as you’d expect. But among this year’s top 10 in OT were civilians such as Brockton Public Schools’ Director of Transportation Jennifer D. Siciliano, who earned $53,839 working extra hours. The head groundskeeper for Brockton’s Parks & Recreation Department, David Spillane, also did well with overtime in 2023, pulling in $45,146.

Two civilian police employees also made the list: Melanie A. Leite and Nicole Jean-Pierre.

Overtime champs

  1. School Police Night Supervisor Jason P. Mosley $61,648
  2. Police Officer David F. Santos $56,047
  3. Director Of Transportation Jennifer D. Siciliano  $53,839
  4. Police Capt. William J. Hallisey  $50,406
  5. Police Dispatcher Melanie A. Leite  $49,161
  6. Police Lt. William F. Barry  $46,972
  7. Police Dispatcher Nicole Jean-Pierre  $46,549
  8. School Police Officer Adelson Mendes  $45,880
  9. Parks & Recreation Head Groundskeeper David Spillane $45,146
  10. Police Officer Ryan W. Quirk  $44,866

Source: Enterprise analysis of City of Brockton payroll for calendar year 2023

Crunch the numbers yourself

The city is among Brockton’s biggest employers. In 2023, the city paid 4,482 people at least $15. Salaries are public records, but they aren’t always easy to get or organize into a digestible format. The Enterprise has put the 2023 payroll data into the streamlined database below. You can search for a particular person, a certain job or who makes the most in a given department.

What jumped out at you in this year’s Brockton salaries? What did we miss? Send your news tips to reporter Chris Helms by email at CHelms@enterprisenews.com or connect on X at @HelmsNews.


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