Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence use in scams

With technology changing rapidly, keeping up with all the new advancements is often challenging. While technology has been used to improve our lives in many ways, other bad actors use it to commit crimes. The growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in phishing and imposter scams is an increasing concern.

Scammers are now using this technology to create more realistic scams that are harder to detect than in the past. This means you must be more alert and savvy to spot potential scams. In the past, one way to identify a scam was to look for bad grammar and misspelled. Fraudsters unfamiliar with English can now use AI to create more realistic, grammatically correct scams that look more like they came from a familiar source.

A phishing scam is another way scammers use AI to target consumers. Phishing is a scam that can occur by email or by phone. The scammers pretend to be someone or an organization you are familiar with. They attempt to trick you into providing personal information, which they can then use to open accounts or gain access to your accounts. AI allows scammers to create realistic-looking or sounding resources to convince you to give up your personal information. Emails may look like they came directly from your bank or your doctors.

If contacted by email, check the sender’s email address and domain. Scammers sometimes use email addresses that look very similar to legitimate ones. They may substitute a letter or number, thinking you won’t notice the slight difference. Be wary if the email arrives unsolicited or unexpected. The email may entice you to open it by saying you signed up for a service or product you know you didn’t purchase. Do not click on links; this could compromise your personal information or infect your computer with a virus or malware.

Scammers can also use AI to analyze vast amounts of personal data across the internet, including voice analysis, to reproduce realistic-sounding audio and video. Through voice cloning technology, they have convinced people they are talking to a friend, family member, or their financial institution. They can then try to convince you to wire money or provide Social Security numbers or other important personal information. Because of the sophistication of AI-generated scams, you will need to be on alert for suspicious interactions.

Look for these common signs which may indicate a potential scam. The scammer may claim they are from someone familiar to you, but they just don’t sound right. They may be asking for or demanding something you know they would never demand or ask for. The audio might sound distorted, or you may notice extended pauses. If the caller becomes threatening, hang up and call the police. You might also think about enabling code words for family and friends, so be sure to pick a word that is not easily guessed.

Because of the spread of AI-generated materials and products, scammers will continue to utilize this technology. By being aware of potential harm, you can better protect yourself and your family.



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