CEIR website by the Department of Telecommunications, Govt of India can be used to block stolen and lost smartphones.
There is no worst feeling than losing your smartphone in this connected world. Phones are no more just devices that are used to make calls and send SMSs, phones are currently the modern world equivalent of swizz army knives, which can do a lot of things.
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Department of telecommunications, Govt of India has launched a new website named Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR), allowing users to quickly lodge a complaint on a lost electronic gadget with an IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number such as a smartphone at a local police station. Using the CEIR website, users can block a stolen or lost mobile, unblock a found mobile, and they can even use the website to find more details about a second-hand smartphone.
There is also a free Android and iOS app called KYM (know your mobile), which can also offer details on the status of your smartphone. It offers details like the status of the IMEI number, mobile manufacturer name, model number, and device type. All you have to have is the IMEI number (which will be available on the bill, box, and can also be accessed from the phone by dialling *#06#) and a phone number that can receive OTP.
How to report a stolen or lost phone on the CEIR website?
Right now, CEIR service is available in all 37 states (including union territories). To report a lost or stolen smartphone, one needs details like the mobile number of the SIM cards installed on the phone, the IMEI number, and a mobile purchase invoice.
Similarly, you also need to file a complaint at your nearest police station as the digital copy of the police complaint is also required to block the phone along with the details of the smartphone owner. When you block a smartphone on CEIR’s website, it will be blocklisted on the central database and won’t be able to use it.
How to unblock a found mobile?
If you have recovered your stolen or lost mobile, the same can be unblocked via the CEIR website by entering details like request ID, and mobile number, and by specifying a reason for unblocking. Without unblocking the phone, the device will be disabled, and won’t be of any use.
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